Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Incorporated : it is for the better or for the worse? [A REVIEW]

Different multi-level marketing firms are sprouting like mushrooms in our country today. They are here, there and EVERYWHERE!
They all have the same procedures in attracting people e.g.

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and many more che-che-bureches to attract people, to bring them to their business and to sponsor them to it. But the point here is, what makes
different from the rest? Does it help people to become better or for the worse? Does it really helps the poor alleviate their poverty by giving them the tools and opportunity to have a piece of the cake? Let's find out. Are you ready? Here we go.

Frontrow Enterprises Philippines Incorporated is one of the hottest multi-level marketing firm in our country today. The fact that it was included in the All New Power 88 [an annual coffee table book and subsidiary of the PHILIPPINE STAR] that honors 88 young businessmen and entrepreneurs who made a mark in the Philippine industry, was only one of the great achievement attained by the company.

Great huh! Well done! But who are the people who started this all?

Raymond "RS" Franciso [President]

 Ms.Gretchen Baretto(left) with Sir RS Francisco(right)

A great businessman,commercial director and an actor. He graduated at the University of the Philippines with skills focusing on Mass Communication. Hailed as one of the highest paid commercial director here in the Philippines. He directed TV Commercials for Pantene, Close-up, GSM Blue, Chow King, McDonald's, Globe and Smart Telecommunications and almost 80-90% of advertisement in our television.

Samuel "Sam" Versoza [CEO]

A wise businessman, U.P. Diliman Top 2 Civil Engineering Board Passer. A licensed civil engineer but ventured out and entered into Sales and Marketing firm. Molded to be an engineer in U.P. to build great buildings and structures but he decided to mold thousands of people's lives in Frontrow.

So what now? Does FRONTROW really for the better?
Is FRONTROW a SCAM? Is it legit?


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Book Review : Rich Dad Poor Dad (What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money- That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!) by Mr. Robert Kiyosaki

One of the amazing thing about this book is it was so simple to read but if you read between the lines and you will be able to comprehend it, you will know how it challenged and changed millions of people's mindset towards money [including mine]. It started as Mr. Kiyosaki, as a kid, sharing how he listen to the perspective of his two father; a poor one and a rich one.  The problem there was, the rich dad was not yet rich and the poor one was not yet poor. Having two dads gave him a choice whom to listen to.

In his introduction about this book, one of the most striking lines I've read is this. .
"One of the reasons the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer, and the middle class struggles in debt is that the subject of money is taught at home, not in school."
 I don't want to continue telling whats more inside of it because thou shall read it and judge it by yourself. At least I've shared some of my opinion and striking line in the introduction of this book. I just find it interesting and ooowww so awesome.

Two thumbs up SIR ROBERT! More power and God Bless!